Sunday, June 5, 2016

New date for field trip is 15th of June and no this coming Wednesday.

Please find link to the Triton Museum:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Contrast Assignment

Acrylic Painting Class
De Anza College

Over the weekend please watch the following videos. Also, Think about your contrast assignment.

For your next assignment, I would like you to think in terms of making a painting where your main concern is to work with the concept of “Contrast”. This is, of course, in addition continuing to use the medium of acrylic paint on canvas.

Contrast is a principle of art. When defining it, art experts refer to the arrangement of opposite elements when designing a work of art. A few examples would be:

• Light vs. Dark colors
• Opaque vs. Transparent
• Rough vs. Smooth textures
• Large vs. Small shapes
• Two Different Complementary Colors
            (Green vs. Red and so forth)
• Horizontal vs. Vertical
• Warm vs. Cool
• Color (hue and purity)
            (Black & White vs. Color)
            (Dark Blue vs. Light Blue
You may also think in terms of intellectual (conceptual)
·       Man vs. Machine
·       Love vs. Hate
·       Dumb vs. Smart
·       Poor vs. Wealthy
You may want to work with a photo or combination of photos for this project or even a couple of thumbnail sketches.

The project will be due in a week and a half. I will go over this assignment in class. However, it will also be posted on the blog for the class, and I will also give you a hard copy of the assignment tomorrow as well. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions as to the assignment.

Also, please bring your last painting to class tomorrow as well.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Section II New Assignment

Please bring a photo of an idea for a new painting and or a concept for your new painting to class tomorrow. I would like to go over your idea with you in class.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Painting a red apple

Painting One Students:

Please bring one or two apples to class on Monday.

With your new assignment, I would like you to watch the two videos below before coming to class on Monday. They show a couple of different approaches to painting an apple. How you approach this next assignment will be your choice. In the early stages of learning to paint using acrylic I prefer that students learn about underpainting which is a more traditional approach. But, once you go through that process, I am fine with you experimenting with other ways.

I have also provided a link to the ColorMatters website. This is a great site that shows you a wide array of color choices and information. As I said from day one, when it comes to painting color is the most challenging concern. This website will help you with basic color theory.